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Evernote vs Microsoft To Do (best apps for adhd / software)

User Interface
Note-taking capabilities
Task management
Integration with other apps
Collaboration features
Cross-platform availability
Offline access
Storage and syncing
Free to use. Accompanied by Microsoft 365 subscription which starts at $6.99/month.
Freemium model. Free tier with basic functionality. Paid tiers are Plus ($3.99/month) and Premium ($7.99/month).

Microsoft To Do 📅offers seamless integration with Microsoft’s software suite, but may not satisfy all needs of a power user.💪🏽

Evernote 💡is complete and flexible, but might feel a bit overwhelming 🤔for first-time users due to its many features.

Microsoft To Do Pros & Cons

Top Pros
  • 🧪Seamless integration with Microsoft’s software suite

  • 🎯Task-focused interface

  • 📈List sharing and collaboration

  • 🗓️Integration with Outlook calendar

  • 🛡️Reliable security measures

Evernote Pros & Cons

Top Pros
  • 💪Strong note-taking capabilities

  • 🌐Good integration with other apps

  • 🏷️Tagging system for organization

  • 🌙Night mode option

  • 💾Ample storage

  • 🖥️Rich web client for easy access

Top Cons
  • ❌Lacks note-taking features

  • 🔀Cannot have a task in more than one list

  • ⏰No time tracking feature

  • 🔄Slow at syncing sometimes

  • 📑Might not be as comprehensive for power users

  • 🏷️Tagging system is lacking

Top Cons
  • 💰Can get expensive with advanced plans

  • 🤔Might be overwhelming for some due to feature-rich nature

  • 🔄Slow sync times

  • 📱User interface can be confusing on mobile

  • 📤Sharing notes has limitations

Other best apps for adhd


Google Keep 📝is straightforward and user-friendly, making it good for quick notes, though it lacks some advanced features.🤷🏽‍♀️


Todoist 📊 distinguishes itself with a good balance between simplicity and power, suited for both beginners and advanced users. 🚀

5 🗓️is intuitive with a straightforward layout, but its free version can be quite limited. 😐


The primary advantage of Evernote for those dealing with ADHD is its diverse range of organizational tools. It enables users to create checklists, store necessary files, take and save notes, and synchronize all data across multiple devices. This characteristic enables ADHD sufferers to keep track of their tasks with ease, thereby mitigating the effects of memory lapses that are often associated with this condition.

Microsoft To Do is an effective tool for someone with ADHD because it provides straightforward task management with easy-to-use prioritization, categorization, and reminder features. It helps to keep one’s daily routine and tasks organized hence reducing stress and mismanagement often associated with ADHD.

Despite having numerous features, Evernote maintains a simple and user-friendly interface that users typically find easy to navigate. As such, it is considered to be among the most user-friendly productivity apps available for individuals with ADHD.

Microsoft To Do features task prioritization, categorization, and reminder settings, which allows ADHD patients to manage tasks with relative ease. The app’s personalized day planner and intuitive design are also standout features that can greatly benefit an ADHD patient.

Yes, Evernote can promote improved focus and attention span in ADHD individuals by helping them stay organized. The note-taking and reminders feature aids in keeping distractions at bay, fostering productivity, and maintaining focus on the task at hand.

Yes, Microsoft To Do offers cloud synchronization allowing users to manage their tasks across all their devices seamlessly which is a boon, especially for individuals with ADHD.

Yes, Evernote is a cross-platform application. This means you can use it on different operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, and even on a web browser, making it accessible at any time on any device.

Yes, Microsoft To Do does come with a feature to categorize tasks based on their urgency or importance, aiding in better time and task management.

Yes, Evernote does offer a reminder feature, which can be especially beneficial to someone with ADHD. It helps in ensuring no task is forgotten or overlooked.

Indeed, the interface of Microsoft To Do is simple, clean, and intuitive. These factors make it easier for ADHD individuals to navigate through the app without feeling overwhelmed.

Yes, Evernote does have a collaboration feature. It allows users to share their notes and work together with others, which can be useful for team projects or shared tasks.

Yes, Microsoft To Do can integrate with other apps or services such as Microsoft Outlook for seamless productivity improvements.

Yes, Evernote offers users the ability to create different notebooks, allowing them to group and organize notes based on subject matter, project, or any other category that works for them.

Microsoft To Do does not directly offer a browsing history feature. However, completed tasks can generally be found by visiting the Completed tasks section of each list, which provides some ability to look back at past tasks.

Yes, Evernote does offer offline accessibility for its premium subscribers, allowing them to access their notes, notebooks or saved articles even when there’s no internet connection.

Yes, Microsoft To Do is a cross-platform app, compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. It can be accessed from either type of device aside from use on a PC or via a web browser.

Evernote provides substantial customization options, like personalized notebooks, tags for quick search, the ability to clip web articles, etc. These features allow users to tailor the app to their specific needs making it a good choice for people with ADHD.

Microsoft To Do can enhance task management for ADHD individuals by providing clear and organized to-do lists. The ability to prioritize tasks and set reminders also ensures that tasks get done on time hence reducing the stress of forgetting or overlooking tasks.

Yes, Evernote supports the creation of multimedia notes. Users can add images, audio recordings, files, web clippings and more to their notes, making it a versatile platform for capturing and storing information.

Yes, Microsoft To Do provides the option to share tasks with other users. This feature can be extremely helpful for collaborative tasks or group projects.

Some of the best apps designed for people with ADHD include Evernote, Microsoft To Do, StayOnTask, Focus@Will, Todoist, and Due. These apps cater to the needs of people with ADHD by offering features like reminders, task sequencing, prioritization, and focus enhancing.

Evernote is a great tool for people with ADHD as it allows them to capture and organize ideas in an efficient manner. The app offers note-taking, archiving, and task management features that can help in managing tasks, jotting down sudden inspirations, storing important information, and easing the load on memory.

Microsoft To Do is a task management app that can help people with ADHD manage their daily tasks effectively. It allows users to break big tasks into manageable subtasks, set reminders for important activities, prioritize tasks, and organise them in different lists, which can make task management less overwhelming.

Evernote has many benefits for people with ADHD. It helps in decluttering their mind by providing a platform to jot down thoughts and ideas instantly. The app’s folder system allows easy organization, archiving, and retrieval of notes and files. Additionally, the task management feature aids in planning and structuring tasks, thereby assisting with focus and productivity.

Yes, Microsoft To Do can be instrumental in handling ADHD symptoms. It can help in improving the executive functions like task-planning, prioritization, and time management, which are typically challenging for individuals with ADHD.

While Evernote offers a free plan, it also has premium plans with more features. Depending on the user’s needs, the free plan might be sufficient, making it a cost-effective option for managing ADHD. However, for more extensive usage, the premium plans could be worth the investment.

The task management feature in Microsoft To Do provides an organized and structured way of handling tasks, which can substantially help individuals with ADHD. It allows them to break down tasks into smaller parts, set reminders, and prioritize activities, which can help tackle procrastination, forgetfulness, and the overwhelm that can come with task management.

The archiving feature in Evernote can particularly help manage the forgetfulness associated with ADHD. Notes, files, or important documents can be stored and organized in folders, and retrieved whenever needed. This can significantly help in reducing the stress of forgetting important information.

Yes, by providing a system to organize, prioritize, and break down tasks, Microsoft To Do can help individuals with ADHD enhance their focus. It aids in reducing the overwhelm associated with handling various tasks, which can subsequently lead to improved attention and productivity.

Through its note-taking, task management, and archiving features, Evernote can assist individuals with ADHD in increasing their productivity. By providing a platform to quickly jot down and organise thoughts and tasks, remember important details, and manage their to-do lists, Evernote can bring clarity and reduce stress, thereby improving productivity.

Microsoft To Do can help manage some common ADHD symptoms like forgetfulness, difficulty focusing, and struggles with task management. The ability to simplify tasks, set reminders, and organize daily activities could potentially relieve some of these symptoms.

Evernote is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. It provides a streamlined design that is easy to navigate, which can be very helpful for ADHD users. Also, information can be organized in a variety of ways, giving users the freedom to choose the best method for them.

The data stored in Microsoft To Do is secure. Microsoft has robust security measures in place to protect user data, and the app also offers features like data encryption and two-step verification.

For free users, Evernote allows up to 60MB of new uploads per month and there’s no limit on the number of notes that can be created. Paid plans offer a higher upload limit.

Microsoft To Do is available on various platforms including Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, and also as a web app.

Yes, Evernote offers collaboration features that allow users to share notes and collaborate on files with others, which can be very beneficial to ADHD users, as it aids in team projects and group tasks.

Yes, Microsoft To Do has a reminder system that helps users manage their tasks. Users can set reminders for upcoming tasks to ensure they are not forgotten, which can be particularly useful for individuals with ADHD.

In an educational setting, Evernote can be used to take notes, save research, set reminders for homework or test dates, and organize study materials. It can greatly help students with ADHD by providing one place to store and retrieve all their academic resources efficiently.

Yes, Microsoft To Do allows you to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This way, you can focus on one step at a time, making it less overwhelming and more achievable, especially for individuals with ADHD.

Evernote allows users to create to-do lists where they can prioritize their tasks. Through prioritization, individuals with ADHD can focus on tackling their most important tasks first, making day-to-day task management more manageable and less stressful.