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Todoist vs Asana (best organizational apps / software)

Ease of use
Platform compatibility
Customer Support
Asana operates on a freemium model. Premium features such as unlimited dashboards, guest access, and advanced search cost $10.99/user/month.
Todoist monetizes through a freemium model. Access to premium features like task labels, reminders, and project templates costs $3/month.

Asana🌟 excels in project management🤹‍♀️. Highly recommended for team collaboration👥 but feels rather heavy for individual use👤.

Todoist📝 offers simple design🌈 and top-notch functionalities⚙️. Great for personal use but may lack collaborative features 👫.

Asana Pros & Cons

Top Pros
  • 💼Solid Project Management Features

  • 👥Superior Collaboration Options

  • 🔗Deep app integrations

  • ⚙️Detailed task options

  • 🌐Web and mobile support

Todoist Pros & Cons

Top Pros
  • 📱Mobile-friendly

  • 🎖️Award-winning Design

  • 🤖Great Automation Features

  • 🔗Robust integrations

  • 🚀Fast and responsive

  • 💰Competitive Pricing

Top Cons
  • 💼Could be overwhelming for beginners

  • 🔔No offline mode

  • 💰Expensive for advanced features

  • 💲Freemium limitations

  • 🎯Task creation could be simpler

  • 🏷️Limited tag usage

Top Cons
  • 💼Lacks advanced project management

  • 🔔Poor notification controls

  • 👥Low collaborative options

  • 📃Limited Reporting

  • 🌐No desktop app

Other best organizational apps


Trello🗂️ is perfect for visual planners👁️. Offers an intuitive interface💫 and great integration options⚡. Could use more features🔧.


Evernote🐘 is best for note-taking📒 and archiving📦. Could get pricey💰 for advanced features but remains a solid option for individual use👤.


Microsoft To Do🎯 features robust integration with Office 365📧📇. Simplistic yet efficient💼, but could benefit from improved notifications🔔.


The best organizational apps available now include Todoist, Asana, Trello, Evernote, and Slack. These apps help keep track of tasks, set priorities, and aid in project management.

Todoist is a task management app that helps you create to-do lists, set priorities, and schedule tasks. It enhances productivity by enabling you to keep track of deadlines and project progress in one place.

Asana is an organizational app that allows for task creation and assignment, project visualization, and communication within teams. On top of that, its ability to integrate with other tools like Slack or Google Drive makes it quite versatile.

Yes, Todoist offers a free basic version. However, to access premium features like task labels, reminders, and productivity trends, you would need the Premium or Business version which is subscription-based.

Yes, Asana enables teamwork on projects. Users can assign tasks to team members, track project progress, and communicate through the app, making Asana an exceptional tool for team-based project management.

Both Todoist and Asana utilize strong security measures including data encryption, regular audits and GDPR compliance to ensure user data is protected.

These tools are versatile and can be used in virtually any industry needing task management and organization. From marketing, tech, education to non-profits, both Asana and Todoist can effectively improve project management.

Todoist provides customer support via their online help center and via email. They also have a comprehensive set of online resources available for self-help.

Asana supports a number of languages including English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese, among others. This ensures it caters to a global user base.

Yes, Todoist allows integration with numerous other apps, including Google Calendar, Dropbox, and Slack, thereby increasing its functionality and ease of use.

Definitely, Asana can be deployed in government projects. However, the success of its application depends on the specifics of the project and the regulations of the particular government sector.

Sharing tasks on Todoist is quite straightforward. You can simply invite others to join your project, and once they accept, they can start working on the tasks you assign to them.

Yes, Asana has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices. This makes it possible to manage tasks and track project progress while on-the-go.

The free version of Todoist does come with some limitations. It does not include features such as reminders, comments, labels & filters, and task views, which are available in the paid versions.

Asana allows you to set deadlines for each task and project. It also lets you visualize these deadlines on a calendar or a timeline, making it easier to see how tasks align and when deliverables are due.

Yes, Todoist provides various project templates that users can utilize to create their projects more efficiently. These templates cater to different categories such as personal, team, and productivity projects.

Indeed, Asana enables users to prioritize tasks by setting due dates, adding tags, and using the Priority custom field.

Yes, Todoist offers comprehensive resources to aid in training and familiarization with the platform. These include a Getting started guide, webinars, and an interactive product demo.

Yes, while Asana is excellent for team projects, it can just as easily be used for personal task management with its task lists, reminders and schedule features.

Yes, you can upgrade from a free Todoist account to a premium one at any time. The premium version provides additional features, such as reminders, comments, labels and filters, and productivity trends.

Organizational apps such as Todoist and Asana are designed to facilitate task management and project coordination. They offer a suite of tools that help individuals or teams to plan, organize, and execute tasks and projects effectively and efficiently, promoting productivity and workflow management.

Todoist supports task management by offering features that allow users to create tasks and subtasks, set reminders and due dates, assign tasks to other users, label and prioritize tasks, and visualize their progress with productivity trends. These functionalities facilitate efficient organization and tracking of tasks.

Asana is equipped with extensive project management features. These include task assignment, timeline view for project scheduling, project status tracking, comment and file sharing within tasks, integrations with other tools, and even workload management. These functionalities help manage projects from inception to completion.

Indeed, Todoist is not only for individual task management but is also capable of facilitating team collaboration. The platform allows sharing of project overviews, task assignment within a team, tracking of team activity, and even commenting on specific tasks which promotes communication and coordination within a team.

Yes, Asana is highly integrable, allowing users to connect the platform with other apps or software they regularly use. This includes integration with G Suite, Slack, Outlook, and even GitHub. Such integrations facilitate seamless workflow across platforms.

Yes, Todoist offers cross-platform support, meaning users can access their tasks and projects from any device, be it a computer, smartphone, or tablet, as long as they have the app installed and an internet connection. This facilitates task management on-the-go.

Asana offers both free and paid versions. The cost of the paid versions varies depending on the plan – Premium, Business, or Enterprise – and the number of users. Detailed pricing information can be found on the Asana Pricing page.

Todoist offers a clean and user-friendly interface. It organizes tasks into projects for easy navigation. Additionally, it uses color coding for task prioritization, and provides a visual representation of productivity through charts and graphs, enhancing the user experience.

Yes, you can use Asana offline on mobile devices. Any changes made offline will sync automatically when you’re back online. This makes it convenient for users to manage tasks even without an internet connection.

Yes, in Todoist, users can set up recurring due dates for tasks that need to be done on a regular basis which helps to automatically track and manage recurring responsibilities.

Asana can send a variety of notifications to keep users updated. These include task due date reminders, updates on followed tasks, project status updates, and notifications when a new task is assigned to you. These assist in keeping everyone in the loop and ensuring timely completions.

Your data on Todoist is secure. The platform uses encryption for data in transit and at rest, and also conducts regular third-party audits of their security and privacy practices. Todoist is GDPR compliant, which assures the protection of user data.

Asana offers a mobile app on both iOS and Android. The mobile app has almost all the features of the web version, thus enabling task and project management on the go.

Yes, in Todoist, users can attach and share files within tasks which is a convenient feature for team projects where file sharing is often necessary.

Asana itself doesn’t offer time tracking features. However, it can integrate with time tracking apps like Harvest, allowing you to track the time spent on tasks directly in Asana.

Todoist’s Karma is a points system that offers users points for completing tasks and using the app’s productivity features. As the Karma score increases and users reach certain milestones, they level up. This system aims to motivate users to be more productive.

Asana provides reporting capabilities via its Dashboard and Portfolios features. The Dashboard gives an insight into project progress while the Portfolios feature helps track multiple projects at once, monitor project status, deadlines and team workload, thus giving a comprehensive overview of work progress.

Yes, Todoist provides sync availability with Google Calendar. Once synced, tasks with due dates will appear in Google Calendar, which can be a useful feature for users who like to manage their time and tasks in a calendar view.

While Asana doesn’t offer extensive customization options for its interface, you can select different project view options based on your personal preference – List, Board, Timeline, or Calendar.

Yes, Todoist comes with a free version that offers basic functionality. However, additional features like comments, reminders, labels, filters and productivity tracking are available in the paid versions. The pricing details can be found on the Todoist Pricing page.